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QL su artifizialetan gurekin izandako esperientziarekin pozik egotea ziurtatu nahi dugu! Beraz, zure eskaerari buruzko galderarik baduzu edo zure iritzia eman nahi badiguzu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan posta elektronikoz, txataz edo telefonoz!

Liuyang su artifizialak 2021eko produkzioaren oharra gelditzen da

Ordua: 2021-06-16 Hits: 134

The high temperature season is approaching.According to the requirements of their superiors,all fireworks and firecracker manufacturers have been shut down from high temperature since June 20.After research and decision of the Liuyang Municipal Security Committee and the Municipal Emergency Bureau,the city's fireworks and firecracker production enterprises have been ordered to stop production according to the production category and the pharmaceutical-related process.
From18:00 hours on June 19 to 24:00 on August 31,all fireworks production enterprises in the city shall not produce all processes.
The hot holiday lasted for more than two months.Thank you for the support of new and old customers.For safety and security,please wait patiently.We will arrange your order manufacturer first after the resumption of work.

Aurrekoa: Nork asmatu zituen su artifizialak

Hurrengoa: Zorionak Nantong teknologia mekaniko eta elektrikoaren lankidea.!